Terms of use

Terms & Conditions

By registering, you agree to the following:

Not post, upload or discuss any links or material to any illegal content, including but not limited to x-rated (porn), pirated software, hacks, warez, etc. Immediately contact us by using the "contact us" link found at the bottom of each page, or click the "report a user" link found on the profile page.
Tubegle.com is a place where everyone is welcome. All a privately owned video and anyone, at anytime, can be removed or banned at owners discretion. We ask that you keep this a family-oriented site by not importing "adult" images or using profane or abusive language. Flaming, antagonizing, verbal attacks, belittling, or harassing others will not be tolerated. It will be at our discretion if we give a warning or do a permanent ban on anyone who abuses this policy or anyone in this community. In other words, violations of the rights of others or of our simple code of conduct may result in members being banned. If you feel someone has violated TOS report it to us by using the "contact us" link found at the bottom of each page.

We do not share your information with anyone, including your email address. The only way anyone can get your email address is if you share it with them. Our site "Message" feature is internal and does not use email address. If you opt in your personal settings to be notified of new messages or comments, you will get an email notifying you of this, but your email address is not shared or exposed to anyone, ever.

Do not post links to competitive or similar sites on public pages or spread by private messages. This includes sites with similar interests as well, for example graphics groups, as many graphic groups have been formed here, blog sites (we have a blog section here), similar social networking sites, tiered sales sites you may be a member of, or any affiliate programs that you belong to. The site will not be used for promotion of your personal products via public areas. You can place your personal site link on your own page as long as it is not a competing site and as long as the intention is not to drive members away from this site.

Linking to personal sites and other sites via your Headline or forum signature is not allowed as these show up on all forum posts you make and they redirect members from the site.  Please limit the size of graphics if you use in this area, and do not use any kind of scripts, large animations or anything that will cause a page to load slowly.

Do not send Messages to attack or harass a member, or leave comments that are publicly attacking someone who has differing view or opinions from you. It will not be tolerated. Do not publicly discuss any blocks other members may have on you; it is not for discussion.  If you feel someone is in violation, send us a copy via the "contact us" link found at the bottom of each page, of any messages, comments or posts made and we will look into it and act accordingly.

Do not spam of publicly ridicule others via  messages, comments, blogs, bulletins, signatures, forums, etc. If you feel someone has violated TOS report it to us by using the "contact us" link found at the bottom of each page.

If someone blocks you from their personal page, you will get the notice that you are blocked when you try to visit their page. Your image will still show on their page as a recent visitor. Please be respectful if someone blocks you and refrain from attempted visits to a page you know you are blocked from. Also, publicly trying to contact someone who has blocked you is against TOS here, so do not try to make private issues public in forum posts, comments, etc.

Information Concerning Copyright Claims

As part of our mission to develop the most complete searchable index of video files legally posted on the Internet for promotional and other legal purposes, our search crawler continuously crawls the Internet for new, legally imported video files. We are, however, primarily an information location tool, and we maintain no editorial oversight over the links in our search index. We do not control the third party websites contained in our index. We are not a "file sharing" site, peer to peer or otherwise; and we in no way support or endorse illegal copying of video. Because we do not own or have editorial control over these third party sites, it is possible that our index may link to some video files that were imported without the copyright owner's authorization.

We rely on copyright owners to protect their own copyright interests by communicating with us. We will immediately take down the link in response to a valid notice of alleged infringement submitted under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). We urge copyright owners to directly contact any third party website that has imported an infringing video file. The link in the website index only points to the location of the file hosted elsewhere on the web. Accordingly, while this website can and does delete the link from its search engine upon request, it does not, because it cannot, delete the infringing file, which was posted and is hosted on the Internet by a third party over which this website has no control. We recommend that you use our search engine to identify the third party who posted and is hosting the infringing file, and to contact that third party to delete the infringing video file itself from the Internet prior to having us remove the link.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

It is our policy to respond immediately to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. This page describes the information that should be present in these notices. This procedure is designed to make submitting notices of alleged infringement to tubegle.com as straightforward as possible, while reducing the number of notices that we receive that are fraudulent or difficult to understand or verify. 

Infringement Notification

To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide to the website Copyright Agent designated below a written communication (an email, that includes each of the items specified below:

- an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest (a Word or PDF document highly recommended);
- a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, identification of the time(s), date(s) and link(s) the material that you claim is infringing was displayed on the website or service, and any other information that is reasonably sufficient for this website to locate the material;
- your address, telephone number, and email address;
- a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
- a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.